Kuomboka and Kufuluhela, Lozi Flood Ceremonies, Barotseland

The Kings Royal Barge, the Nalikwanda (For the People), Barotse Flood Plain, Barotseland Kuomboka and Kufuluhela have both been described as many things but I like to call them mass migration spectacles, a floating symphonic exodus, performances of spiritual renewal of faith in the role of the Litungaship in the entire Kingdom north and south, east and west of the flooded plain. These ceremonies are both born out of ecological necessity and both over time have become grand texts, myths and unifying performance practices of the Lozi of southern Africa. Kuomboka and Kufuluhela as cultural practices were fully explored by Mutumba Mainga in her article A History of Lozi Religion (1972) and Likando Kalaluka (1979) in Kuomboka: A Living Traditional Culture among the Malozi people of Zambia (neczam). This seminal work covers the cosmology, cultural history, ecology, and explores the political and economic basis for Kuomboka and Kufuluhela. There are three d...